Omexey Enterprise began in furniture manufacturing,
where it has become a top global supplier of mid to high-level furniture and fitness equipment.
Though Omexey’s development has been primarily overseas,
we have not forgotten our roots, and we desire to give back to the land where we grew up.
The Omexey Foundation was founded in 2011 with a focus on youth programs,
vocational skills development, and public welfare initiatives.
Our desire is to leave a legacy of positive values to the next generation.
Omexey foundat ion follows the core values of the enterprise.
With honesty, integrity and pragmat ism,
we honor interior and exterior partner-ships in pursuit of promised best human life.
While the enterprise offers quality products,
the found ation aims to equip the disadvantaged children and youth with the capabilities to build better life and better society.
A green holding hand shows our love for both family and mother Earth,
the yellow house full of hope describes the well-being of the future generations is in care.
Our name OMEXEY in orange tells our eagerness and enthusiasm to help.
Omexey Charity Foundation provides different services aiming to support families and to motivate the whole society to love one another.
Beavers are born as natural carpenters, a diligent and family animal.
Carpentry is our strength and family our core value. Bourne is an architect, Beth takes care of 4-years-old Bonnie at home and Brady,
the third grader, enjoys playing basketball. We are Nature lovers and are known for our "Group Hug".
The B family has one icon, Beaver Boy.
His eye-catching orange overalls match his eagerness and enthusiasm to provide help at anytime.
There is always something in the pocket useful to resolve problems for friends.
Beaver Boy shows up on occasions, so if you ever come across him somewhere, don’t hesitate to ask for hugs and photos!